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HomeInterior ProductsCeilingsCoffered Ceiling

Coffered Ceiling

The use of coffered ceilings dates back to ancient Roman and Greek architecture when the panel technique created a lighter alternative to marble and stone ceilings. Nowadays Coffered ceilings are used to either add character to a large expanse of ceiling or to add architectural elements to the room. Coffered ceilings often work well in living rooms, dens, libraries and dining rooms although they could be used in bedrooms, kitchens and halls. Coffered ceiling is created by using a grid of intersecting beams that are parallel to the surrounding walls , this is the classic layout for coffered ceilings which give you square, rectangular or combination of tow, Petra design coffered ceiling are custom design to fit your ceiling, Our coffered ceiling comes in any shape like octagonal, hexagonal, diamond …etc.

Coffered ceilings consist of ceiling beams, ceiling panels and crown mouldings, our big selection of crown moulding, design or plain give your custom coffered ceiling a great look pairing well with Petra Design beams selection.

The panel can be classic plain which create a perfect smooth ceiling surface, inside each coffer just adding moulding detail to it will turn your ceiling design to more elegant and eye catching ceiling. customize your ceiling more by adding one of Petra Design corbels and decorative ornaments.

Petra Design collection of scrolls, corners, centres and other ornaments can be preinstalled with the ceiling system or supplied separately according to your order or depending on the design you are choosing.

Coffered ceilings do not always have to be comprised of a heavy beam look. Sometimes a low profile look will add all the detail that is required. Coffered ceiling in large room help break it up and add stunning detail to what would otherwise be a very large room with flat ceiling. On the other hand in smaller room or low ceiling room using a low beams profile will add the character and style you are looking for.