Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) Columns or GFRG Columns

GRG-Columns,Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum


Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum, also known as GRG, or GFRG, is a build­ing mate­r­i­al most com­mon­ly used in ceil­ing domes, columns, mouldings/molding, ceil­ings and com­mer­cial build­ings. Because of its low cost, ver­sa­til­i­ty, strength, and light­weight, GRG makes for an ide­al inte­ri­or build­ing mate­r­i­al for Glass Rein­forced Gyp­sum Columns.

Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum is a mix­ture of gyp­sum, Port­land cement and sand. It con­sists main­ly of ultra fine alpha plas­ter, and glass fiber rein­force­ment. The GRG can then be cast into vir­tu­al­ly any shape, and any size. The mate­r­i­al is extreme­ly light­weight, and strong, as it requires lit­tle to no addi­tion­al struc­tur­al sup­port. There are many options avail­able for GRG, and many things you can make with it. One pop­u­lar choice that is made from GRG is GRG columns.

Columns are an upright pil­lar, typ­i­cal­ly cylin­dri­cal; they can be made of many mate­ri­als and are often found sup­port­ing anoth­er struc­ture such as an arch, or a bal­cony. How­ev­er columns can also be used in many more cir­cum­stances. A stand alone mon­u­ment, or an exte­ri­or design, or inte­ri­or addi­tions to enhance a room’s style are only a cou­ple exam­ples. Columns are found every­where, in your house, malls, reli­gious build­ings, office and both com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial build­ings. Columns can sub­tly enhance the room’s fea­tures, or be the cen­ter­piece of the room. Every col­umn has a dif­fer­ent design, depend­ing on the effect you want. Inte­ri­or Columns can dis­play ele­gance, and char­ac­ter, but they can also dis­play a mod­ern, con­tem­po­rary style with sharp edges. A col­umn also has a wide vari­ety of cap style options that can enhance its features.

Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum is an ide­al mate­r­i­al choice for Inte­ri­or Columns. There are many advan­tages to GRG columns that you may not find in oth­er mate­ri­als. Columns come in many designs and shapes, and GRG columns can be cast into vir­tu­al­ly any shape, any size. This means that GRG columns have many style options avail­able, such as round, tapered, clas­sic, square, or any cus­tom design. Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum Columns can have any cap style, shaft style, and any oth­er dec­o­ra­tive element.

Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum Columns also have a wide vari­ety of fin­ish options. GRG columns pro­vide the ide­al sur­face, that can eas­i­ly be manip­u­lat­ed into rich tex­tures and detailed designs. The smooth, white, qual­i­ty sur­face also pro­vides the per­fect can­vas for a huge selec­tion of dif­fer­ent fin­ish options, such as Lime­stone, mar­ble and alabaster. It can also be fin­ished with any inte­ri­or paint, such as water/oil based, stain and gold-leaf.

GRG Columns offer many designs to suit your per­son­al design needs at a frac­tion of a price of oth­er mate­ri­als. GRG is a prac­ti­cal, beau­ti­ful and high­ly ver­sa­tile mate­r­i­al ide­al for columns. GRG columns are light­weight, strong, quick to install, and make a stun­ning addi­tion to any space.

Vis­it for a full look on the GRG columns that we offer, and more infor­ma­tion of columns, Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum, and oth­er archi­tec­tur­al products.