GRG-Ceiling Dome

GRG-Ceiling-Dome,ceiling dome,decorative ceiling dome


Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum Domes

Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum, also known as GRG or GFRG, is a light­weight build­ing mate­r­i­al most com­mon­ly used in ceil­ing domes, columns, mould­ings and ceil­ings. GRG is a pop­u­lar build­ing mate­r­i­al for its pletho­ra of strength, design and oth­er advan­tages. While Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum is for inte­ri­or appli­ca­tion only, the pos­si­bil­i­ties are lim­it­less. GRG offers an end­less vari­ety of dec­o­ra­tive and orna­men­tal shapes and forms at afford­able prices. One pop­u­lar use for GRG is domes. Glass Fiber Rein­forced domes are con­ve­nient, ver­sa­tile and have a huge vari­ety of finishes.

Domes are very pop­u­lar addi­tions to both com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial build­ings. They can come in a huge selec­tion of shapes and sizes such as oval, cir­cu­lar and cof­fered. There are many avail­able mate­ri­als for ceil­ing domes, and a pop­u­lar one is GRG. GRG is a high­ly ver­sa­tile mate­r­i­al, and can be cast into vir­tu­al­ly any shape or size. It is also extreme­ly light­weight and strong, as it requires lit­tle to no addi­tion­al sup­port. Installing a dome is also rel­a­tive­ly quick and easy. These char­ac­ter­is­tics make it an ide­al choice for domes of all kinds.

There are many dif­fer­ent designs for each indi­vid­ual dome. They can be the cen­ter­piece of the room, or can enhance the exist­ing fea­tures of a room. Weath­er design for your dome calls for crisp, sharp details, or for flow­ing curves and con­tem­po­rary con­tours, Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum domes can achieve the effect you want. GRG can be cast into any shape and size for your ceil­ing dome.

Ceil­ing domes can be the mas­ter­piece of your home or build­ing, each dome is unique, and GRG offers many options to enhance this. Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum offers a clean, pro­fes­sion­al and seam­less fin­ish that is avail­able with both smooth and tex­tured fin­ish­es. It is paint grade fin­ish, which means that your ceil­ing  dome is ready to light­ly sand and apply primer and fin­ish cots after instal­la­tion. The smooth qual­i­ty sur­face pro­vides and ideas base for paint and oth­er fin­ish­es. The wide vari­ety of stun­ning fin­ish­es avail­able helps your dome to achieve the desired affect.

Glass Gyp­sum Rein­forced domes are a won­der­ful addi­tion to any space, and GRG ceil­ing domes will fit all your design needs. A Glass Fiber Rein­forced Gyp­sum dome is afford­able, light­weight, strong, and ver­sa­tile and can fit every per­son­al need you are look­ing for.


Vis­it for a full list of the domes we offer, and more infor­ma­tion on ceil­ing domes, GRG and oth­er build­ing materials.