Questions & Answers – Petra Design

Ques­tion & Answer _Petra Design

Question, Answer, Petra, Design

petra design, interior, exterior, toronto, canada

Q1. What does Petra Design specialize in?

Petra Design has over 20 years expe­ri­enced in inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or dec­o­ra­tive solu­tion, we are spe­cial­ized in man­u­fac­tur­ing of pre­cast con­crete, GFRC,GRG and fiber­glass prod­ucts. Petra Design has high qual­i­ty, cus­tomized design prod­ucts, and Eco-friend­ly man­u­fac­tur­ing sys­tem. We work with archi­tects, inte­ri­or design­ers, con­trac­tors, builders and home­own­ers on new con­struc­tion and ren­o­va­tion projects.

Ceiling, ceiling design, interior, interior tip, home interior, interior ceiling, home ceiling, home ceiling interior, Vaulted ceiling, high ceilings, raised ceilings, cathedral ceilings

Q2. What is the precast concrete?

Pre­cast con­crete is cast under fac­to­ry con­trolled con­di­tions and not erect­ed on site until it is ful­ly hard­ened. Pre­cast con­crete is usu­al­ly used for exte­ri­or prod­ucts because it is rein­forced and heavy mate­r­i­al. Its sur­face looks like lime­stone, and it is load-bear­ing sol­id material.

precast, concrete, architecture, precast concrete, architecture precast, architecture concrete, cast stone, Petra design, Architectural precast concrete

Q3. What is the GFRC?

GFRC (Glass Fiber Rein­forced Con­crete) is a com­pos­ite of cement, glass fibres, aggre­gates and poly­mers. GFRC is a con­crete that uses fiber­glass for rein­force­ment instead of steel, it is light, strong, and weath­er resis­tant. Fur­ther­more, GFRC is not burn­ing and will pro­tect the mate­r­i­al behind it from the heat of the flame. GFRC has a vari­ety of colour and textures.

Q4. Can I have a customized design for my project?

Yes, Petra Design has a pro­fes­sion­al design team to make a cus­tomized design for clients. Clients can vis­it us, and talk about their project and ideas. Petra Design team will devel­op the ideas or give the advice for your project.

Q5. How can I get a price for my project?

Petra Design gives you a free quo­ta­tion. Con­tact Petra Design to get a free quo­ta­tion for your projects.

Click 👉 petra, design, contact, toronto, canada, quotation, click, precast

Q6. What’s the different between interior and exterior material?

Pre­cast con­crete used for exte­ri­or most­ly because it is load-bear­ing sol­id mate­r­i­al and heavy. Pre­cast con­crete’s com­bine sand mix­es with white fed­er­al cement, its sur­face looks like a lime­stone. GFRP (Glass Fiber Rein­forced Plas­tic) nor­mal­ly used as an exte­ri­or mate­r­i­al as well. It’s Light mate­r­i­al to install and trans­port com­pare to pre­cast con­crete, it mixed with fiber­glass and poly­mer. Oth­er­wise, GFRC is used for inte­ri­or prod­ucts because it’s light mate­r­i­al to install and trans­port. Fur­ther­more, plas­ter mate­r­i­al is used for inte­ri­or only as well.

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Q7. What are the advantages of the precast concrete process?

The intrin­sic qual­i­ty of an indus­tri­al prod­uct, man­u­fac­tured in a con­trolled envi­ron­ment and with accu­rate meth­ods; advanced qual­i­ty con­trol, which goes far beyond the check­ing of the fresh con­crete, can be intro­duced. Dimen­sion­al accu­ra­cy, prop­er­ties of the hard­ened con­crete and posi­tion of rein­force­ment can all be checked before inclu­sion of an ele­ment in the final work.
‑Struc­tur­al efficiency
‑Flex­i­bil­i­ty in use
‑Opti­mum use of materials
‑Speed of construction
‑Qual­i­ty consciousness
‑Pro­tec­tion of the environment

Q8. Can Petra Design do the installation of products?

Yes, we sup­ply and install our products.

Click 👉 petra, design, contact, toronto, canada, quotation, click, precast