Architectural Fiberglass Dome

For the office, pub­lic build­ing or home, few fea­tures can com­pli­ment a room like a fiber­glass dome. A fiber­glass dome can turn any ceil­ing into a lux­u­ri­ous mas­ter­piece at a frac­tion of a price of oth­er mate­ri­als. Fiber­glass (FRP) domes are most often used in pub­lic build­ings, reli­gious build­ings, homes, liv­ing and din­ing rooms and oth­er open spaces. Fiber glass domes are high­ly desir­able due to their low cost, strength, weath­er-resis­tant mate­r­i­al and light weight.

Fiberglass ceiling dome,ceiling dome,interior ceiling dome, coffered dome Con­tin­ue read­ing