Design your Ceiling


The per­fect Ceil­ing Design varies for each room depend­ing on the space you have, if it is a high or low ceil­ing. Also it is depend­ing on the sur­round­ing walls and the over­all theme of the house. Cof­fered Ceil­ings in a large room will help break it up and add a stun­ning detail instead of just hav­ing a big flat ceil­ing. Cof­fered Ceil­ings are just one exam­ple of ceil­ing design. There are plen­ty of oth­er options to design your ceil­ing, design it with ceil­ing beams to add his­tor­i­cal appeal to your liv­ing or kitchen area. Round ceil­ing domes or Cof­fered Ceil­ing Domes can add depth and style to your loopy or entrance area, cove ceil­ings are anoth­er way to dec­o­rate your ceil­ing. Mod­ern ceil­ing design does not have to be plain ceil­ing. With Petra Design archi­tec­tur­al dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments you can achieve the mod­ern clas­sic look by incor­po­rat­ing one of our ceil­ing design ideas, and prop­er light­ing tech­niques. Cove mould­ing, ceil­ing cen­ter pieces, crown mouldings/molding and ceil­ing domes all pro­vide amaz­ing ceil­ing design ideas for your dream home.

Vis­it our web­site at for more infor­ma­tion to fin­ish your ceiling.