Ceiling Design Tips for Decorative Home Interior

In con­sid­er­a­tion of inven­tive ceil­ing design, peo­ple need to think about the avail­able space; the sur­round­ing walls and the over­all theme of the home, there are numer­ous pat­terns and col­ors to choose from.

Here are five dif­fer­ent type of ceil­ing styles and designs that peo­ple can get ideas for their home inte­ri­or design. In 2017, ceil­ing design trends are dynam­ic, dec­o­ra­tive and ele­gant. Let’s start with these use­ful tips for a dec­o­ra­tive home interior.

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1.Ceiling Centers & Rings

Instan­ta­neous­ly, add an ele­gant point to a room with designed ceil­ings, ceil­ing cen­tres are a bet­ter choice to add char­ac­ter to any space. Ceil­ing cen­tres come in a vari­ety of archi­tec­tur­al styles and size to itself. Fur­ther­more, Ceil­ing Cen­ters and Rings make good use of the ver­ti­cal space between the ceil­ing and fur­ni­ture. It gives the room a more bal­anced feeling.

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Artis­tic ceil­ing cen­ter design with chan­de­lier give the space a more neu­tral tone and clas­sic look.

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Petra Design_Ceiling Cen­ters & Rings

If peo­ple have a plan to install a nice chan­de­lier ceil­ing cen­ters and ringswould be a good choice. It is also known as Ceil­ing Cen­ters Medal­lions as well.

2.Vaulted Ceiling

Vault­ed Ceil­ings are known, by many dif­fer­ent names in nowa­days such as high ceil­ings, raised ceil­ings and cathe­dral ceil­ings etc. While the use of a vault­ed ceil­ing can give the room inte­ri­ors a more com­fort­able feel, and make space feel big­ger than it real­ly is. There­fore, space can be more dynam­ic and effective.

Ceiling, ceiling design, interior, interior tip, home interior, interior ceiling, home ceiling, home ceiling interior, Vaulted ceiling, high ceilings, raised ceilings, cathedral ceilings

3.Ceiling Tiles

If the room has a low ceil­ing, peo­ple can use ceil­ing tiles which have sim­ple pat­terns or broad ceil­ing tile designs. This design tips can make the ceil­ing look higher.

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4. Coffered Ceiling

A Cof­fered Ceil­ing can make a unique shape design in a room with­out anoth­er sup­port­ing decoration.

Ceiling, ceiling design, interior, interior tip, home interior, interior ceiling, home ceiling, home ceiling interior, Coffered ceiling

5.Ceiling Beams

The ceil­ing in the form of white beams looks clean and mod­ern in a room. Nor­mal­ly, the ceil­ing beams design go with high ceil­ing space if peo­ple are plan­ning to ren­o­vate their space to open space such as an open kitchen or liv­ing room the ceil­ing beams can be a good choice.

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Petra Design hopes that the remark­able selec­tion of design projects and a vari­ety of spaces and dif­fer­ent func­tion­al­i­ty will moti­vate peo­ple, and will help peo­ple to come up with their spe­cial ideas for the unique home interior.


<Petra Design>
Con­tact: 416.746.9668
Web­site: www.petradesign.ca
Address: 47 St. Reg­is Cres­cent, Toron­to, ON M3J 1Y6